Mr. John Ang
As a Senior Fellow, Mr. John Ang has been teaching at the Department of Social Work at the National University of Singapore for more than 30 years. Also, he has lectured at the University of Hawaii, Cornell University, New York and Xiamen University in China. He has taught all the core subjects in social work and is active in designing new ones such as social work and the media. He has a strong interest in child development, family life education and couple counselling as well as the field of disability, especially autism. He teaches, consults and publishes in these areas.
From 2005 to 2011, Mr. John Ang functioned as the Chief Executive Officer of the St. Andrew’s Autism Centre where he shaped the development of the service from its infancy. He has also provided the blueprint and overseen the development of an S$24-million purpose-built autism facility, which officially opened in 2011. He is the designated Development Consultant of the stable of community services of the Anglican Diocese of Singapore under the umbrella of the Singapore Anglican Community Services and the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital.
Mr. John Ang has also served as President of the Singapore Association of Social Workers for 3 terms, and in the most recent term, has been instrumental in starting the process of discussion with the Government on the registration of social workers. At different times, he has been Board member of the National Council of Social Service, the Singapore Red Cross, National Library and the National Youth Council. He has provided service to many Government Ministries and Departments as well as to voluntary welfare organisations and grassroots bodies. He has served for 6 years as a Council Member of the North West Community Development Council and currently serves as Resource Person to the South West Community Development Council and is a member of its Community Care Local Network of which he is the Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Vulnerable Families. He is currently the President of a large successful multi-service voluntary welfare organization called Fei Yue Community Services. He chairs the Academic Review Board of the Seed Institute, formerly known as the Regional Training and Resource Centre in Early Childhood Care and Education for Asia (RTRC) - Wheelock College Diplomas in Early Childhood Education and Leadership and Preschool Education Leadership. Internationally, he has served on the Executive Committee of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the International Council on Social Welfare, Asia Pacific region (ICSW Asia Pacific) and is currently the President of the International Federation of Social Workers for the Asia Pacific region.
John has been twice honoured by the Singapore Government for his service to the community.